It is perhaps good to know that a gift is available for all pupils who obtain the A1+ or A2+ Spanish Certificate from Juan y Rosa. It doesn’t matter whether the pupil completes part 1 or 2 in the middle of the school year or at the end. The supervisor merely needs to send a short email to with the name of the school and the name of the pupils, including which certificate they have obtained.
It is also appreciated if the supervisor and/or the pupils can write a review about working with the learning method: what did they learn, how did they learn it, and what did they think was the most striking thing to have learned?
Reaction to the gift in June:
Children who received it today were really proud!
Thank you for the nice attention and the effort you have taken for this.
Sandra van Gennep (internal supervisor)

And a reaction from the pupils of the enrichment class at VPCO Tholen:
In our enrichment class, we work with the Juan y Rosa method. We practice each lesson together with the teacher, the conversations and the songs, the pronunciation of the words on the word lists, and this year we even performed one of the Spanish songs at a teacher’s leaving party, including a self-invented dance. When we have no instructions (or joint listening assignments), we get to work ourselves. We then work in the workbook or practice the words via Quizlet (also at home) to prepare for our tests. Each chapter, we have a test made by the teacher.
We do the exercises in the workbook in pairs or table groups. That way we can help each other again and it is more fun!
We learn Spanish not only because it is fun, but also to learn how to learn. Sometimes this is the first subject we really have to learn for. And we sometimes find that quite difficult.
We often remember the craziest things from each chapter, for example: una alfombra violeta!
And when a new group starts at chapter 1, we secretly listen in again! We still know quite a lot.
We wish everyone a lot of fun learning Spanish!
Greetings from the pupils in the enrichment class at VPCO Tholen.
For more reviews of the Juan y Rosa learning method by Dutch tutors and other professionals, go to the Dutch Juan y Rosa website.