“Jazmín en España”

Spring starts a bit earlier in Spain than in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain. The higher temperatures lead to earlier budding and blossoming; it’s already breathtakingly beautiful in March, much like it becomes stunning in April for us. On March...

Along the beach of El Palo, Málaga.

Beautiful poetic lines by José Bergamín Gutiérrez The writer was born in 1895 in Madrid and was a friend of Federico García Lorca. He wrote poetry, plays, and essays. Agua sólo es el mar; agua es el río. Agua el torrente, y agua el arroyuelo. Pero la voz que en ellos...

Cultural Spain – Córdoba

Córdoba, city of patios Have I ever told you about Córdoba and the annual competition that is held there for the most beautifully decorated patio? La Fiesta de los Patios de Córdoba is the most important annual festive event in Córdoba. For 12 days in May, the...

Cultural Spain – Murcia/Sevilla/Málaga

Whereas we’re still waiting for spring to arrive properly here in north-western Europe, the fruit trees in Spain are already in full bloom. In Murcia, almond trees, apricots and cherry trees start to bloom in February. The Murcia region has lots of fruit trees and...
Cultural Spain

Cultural Spain

“Botellones a pesar de todo” was the headline of an article in El País last week. The other major Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, also highlighted the huge (30%) increase in botellones this summer. Botellones are gatherings organised in public spaces such as a park or on...
Culture and Language

Culture and Language

El día de San Valentín was originally a Christian festival, a day to honour Saint Valentine. He lived in ancient Rome and did good work out of love and charity. His name day was celebrated for the first time on 14 February in the year 494. Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is...